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CME Content Academy
CME Content Academy

CME Cares is a new brand initiative created exclusively to communicate CME’s ESG strategy and it is a commitment to leave a lasting positive impact on our environment, communities, and societies.

CME Cares is a new brand created exclusively to communicate CME’s ESG strategy and commitment to leaving a lasting positive impact on the environment, communities, and societies. This legacy will benefit audiences and every CME employee who, through their independent actions, makes a difference. CME Cares rests on 4 pillars: responsible content, sustainable production, affected communities & employee engagement and transparent business practices. As an industry leader, CME recognizes that its extensive reach can inspire audiences to consider their choices and shape new ideas. CME acknowledges its responsibility as a prominent broadcaster and accepts accountability for recognizing that its channels, streaming platform, and digital content hold significant influence as forms of media. So Who Cares? CME Cares!